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What is your gender?

How tall are you?

Change in weight

Did you have intentional weight loss (for example due to dieting or exercise)?

In the last week, how often did you feel that everything you did was an effort?

In the last week, how often did you feel that you could not get going?

During the past two weeks, have you walked for exercise?
How many times in the past two weeks?

How many minutes on average per session do you walk?
How many months per year do you walk for exercise?

During the past two weeks, have you done moderately strenuous household chores like scrubbing or vacuuming?
How many times in the past two weeks?

How many minutes on average per session do you do moderately strenuous household chores?
How many months per year do you do moderately strenuous household chores?

During the past two weeks, have you done any gardening?
How many times in the past two weeks?

How many minutes on average per session do you garden?
How many months per year do you garden?

During the past two weeks, have you done any general exercise (excluding walking)?
How many times in the past two weeks?

How many minutes on average per session do you exercise?
How many months per year do you exercise?

During the past two weeks, have you mowed a lawn?
How many times in the past two weeks?

How many minutes on average per session do you mow the lawn?
How many months per year do you mow the lawn?

During the past two weeks, have you done any golfing?
How many times in the past two weeks?

How many minutes on average per session do you golf?
How many months per year do you golf?

Have you had any recent pain or acute flare-up in your dominant wrist or hand from conditions like arthritis, tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome?

Have you had any surgery on your dominant hand or arm during the last 3 months?